Friday, April 16, 2010

Piling Up?

Hmmm is everything piling up yet? Have I reached MY limit. To ask myself this question I am not sure. I thought that point was last July when I got sick from work stress or maybe the September before in 2008 from work stress?

It's hard to tell. I mean between work stress that made me sick and now overcoming no one has any clue what I have had to endure.

From having to deal with the workers compensation company. That in itself was and still is ridiculous. Their job it to deny and make you look like a liar. They don't want to have to pay. Of course not, then they won't make profit and they don't want their clients to be liable for anything that could lead to lawsuits.

Next up was work short term disability. Because the workers comp was denied and in appeal status I had to go through this whole bunch of hoops. Ridiculous because they claim that my first episode of stress illness was preexisting to this one so they are considering it a preexisting condition. How stupid can people get. It is not preexisting when it never stopped. I was sick the whole time just not as bad.

Then work itself. Getting rid of my job last October and not telling me till I said my doctor wants to know this January. Then telling me to apply for jobs, which I did. But I was then told I couldn't be I was sick from work. Now in April I am being told to apply for job, which I did again, because in May my job will for sure be gone. Please tell me when Human Resource people actually start to make sense when they tell you things.

The best yet would have to be when HR and my boss told me I couldn't talk to the school/DeVry because I was complaining about yet again the service I was receiving but 6 months down the road the actual answer HR gave me was "they were trying to contact you, subject closed". Really that is the most ignorant statement I have ever heard in my life. That is just the cherry on the sundae so they don't get in trouble because that statement of telling me at my place of work that I couldn't speak to my school after telling me I was in trouble for texting on my personal lunch was over the top for me. I couldn't take the stress abuse my supervisor was giving me. Even though I could have probably taken it longer because of my strength my body physically wasn't letting me and took me to the hospital and 50+ pounds of weight loss later over 6+ months.

My whole life has been turned upside down. At least they finally realized one point that I could continue with school which has been the only temporary plus. Mostly a huge loss, from my job, to loss of income, loss of security and damages sustained. Still in the on going battle of workers comp and appealing that in court because of a stupid doctor.

Oh and I just love kaiser and their 9 months of treatment I have experienced. From 8 to 10 medications at one point to taking every single class their psychiatry department recommends I would say I should get a certificate for knowledge and being probably the only patient to take 9 classes over 4 months. At least it was something to keep me busy. These days go by so slow with nothing to do. Seriously unless I have a doctor appointment which went from 6-10 appointments a month I now have 2? Why? That's a great question. I wish I knew because although I feel a little better compared to where I was I am still not better but they are treating me as though a little progress means completely healed or should I say since my father stopped complaining to their department heads they have started to fall off the band wagon again. Probably time for him to make a few calls.

All in all at this point it still sucks.

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