Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day Of Days

Talk about a day where emotions go from completely sad for my dear and best friend Jenn on one of the worst days for her family. Losing not only a loved one but a parent. I can't even imagine. I came close 3 years ago when my dad had his heart attack but I stood stong for my mother. The whole thing never phased me until I saw my friend standing before everyone talking about her father and realizing that could of been me and I wish there was something I could do to take away her pain. I honestly cant imagine having to do that to a parent so close to. I know her and I had that special bond only a single daughter/father have. The understanding, trust, occasional arguments, but trust and passion. They want you to do your best. It may seem like they are bugging you to the point of aggravation but it's only because they know you can succeed and you do. They do it all out of love. A love that can never be broken even after passing. I have such a greater appreciate for love, life and passion. I am just glad I could stand there and be there for my friend (the one I met my first day of college), the one who no matter how much time has passed catch up in a matter of minutes. I would say she is a true friend as I hope she thinks of me the same. I am so very happy that she has a wonderful man Adam by her side to help her through these trying times. They are perfect for each other, as I sit here and smile, I can't wait till their day together comes. She knows it is.

Life is really to short, DO IT ALL WITH NO REGRET.

Even if their is regret oh well you have one life to live and you can say at the end I did all these things. No one is perfect so don't try to be. Be yourself, others only love you for who you are not what you fake to be.

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