Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Next 5 years???

Well over the past few years I did think my life was in a different direction. I was in school, had a boyfriend, starting a career and all the sudden just as the wind blows it changes in a heart beat. You push school back because of the career. You lose the career because of health issues and finally because you fall out of love and into deep debt of finances you end up in lawsuits with your ex owing you lots of money he doesn't have.

My world as I knew it completely fell to the ground last year about the middle of the year. Nothing was as it seemed and this was all a year after the above happened. I thought that was a down point but nothing in comparision to what was coming a head. I had such medical issues of stress that I couldn't even drive, leave my room, and my doctors had me on up to 9 medications at one point their ignorance didn't even come into play that they were counteracting with one another. It seemed as though it was fight after fight which made my stress even more aggravated and sicker.

All I have to say is thank god for family. Without my parents I wouldn't have been able to make it through any of it. They not old stood by my side and picked me back up but stood up for me and took the reigns.

Slowly as I get my life together one step at a time. I returned to school, volunteer a little and spend most of my times with my comforting animals and some close family. Compared to where I was it's progress.

I see myself in 5 years hopefully in an entirely new career, new path of life and possibly a love interest. I had so many in the past (not like that) but I never concentrated on myself. I gave till I had nothing to give. Now my life is about me, what I want in my life, and what I want to accomplish with my life, because after all it's my life and I get to chose where I drive the car or motorcycle. LOL. I use to ride motorcycles. Actually I was even president of a woman's motorcycle club for a year but those were back in my adrenaline junkie days. I slowly have a ride here and there when I get the mind set up to it but nothing like before ripping through the hills or racing down the 1/4 at 120mph when I was 23. Not that 26 now is much old but I kind of found myself over the past year when hitting rock bottom.

I will say though I wish that on no one and admire those most who know what they want in life/love/career and wish them luck to go get it.