Sunday, May 23, 2010

No end in sight

So still under extreme pressure.

From taking 2 classes at school, fighting over the forms for school for disability that they should have given me over a year ago, and now arguing with school that an idiot didn't have my ARC transcript either. Ugh how stupid do you have to be to work at this school? Appraently really stupid cause evenyone I come across has dropped the ball somewhere. UGH.

Dealing with the workers comp thing still. Now just dealing with their crap head of a lawyer who thinks the sin shines out of her ass when they try to do sneeky things behind my back thinking I know nothing about the workers compensation system. I've done my research boys and girls, and I use to work there for the state for 3 years. Watch out I picked up a few tricks.

Oh and my favorite stress causer of all my work harassment and discrimination filings. Lovely yes it is. Had to make an offer last week so they can officially notify my work representative that I am serious about them either accepting it or this will go to court. Think that is causing me stress. HAHA my stomach is in knots over it.

Oh yeah I forgot too in letters my work sent me that I was going to be fired tomorrow if I didn't return to work. Well my doctor has me off for 2 more months making it almost exactly a year then since the date of breakdown. So we will see what happens since I haven't heard from them. Although some how thinking that when they offered me $1200 to quit and walk away they thought I actually need that and would sign the paper. By now they have to realize I wasn't going anywhere despite being sick I will push through their bullshit as they completely did me wrong and caused my sickness for the past 10 months and in 08. Funny how until I worked there I never had any of these symptoms or illness and now having to deal with some many things from this I can't even use my fingers to count each one there are more than 10 now.

One day I am praying this all goes away and I can have a fresh start. But for now I am where I am.

I wish people (friends) would understand. It's hard for them too. They always get mad and blame me for bailing yet claim they understand my illness. Apparently not otherwise they wouldn't blame me when I cancel a few hours ahead because I'm sick.

Oh well, it is what it is.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Things Are Coming Together

Things are coming together. Slowly but surely. It's been almost a year since my major breakdown of illness from work and I feel I am beginning to feel things are finally falling into place. What I am due is finally coming true and people who caused things are finally paying up or getting their payback. Karma comes around and it's time.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

No Wonder

Well I recently yesterday just took some sort of school required for week 2 in my class. How ridiculous. It really said that I don't like my teachers and I believe that teachers are prejudice against students. Haha how funny that is so true.


How do you get 6/50 and 16/40 for discussion????? Really I worked hours on those posts but because I didn't post "enough" i really lost that many points. I hate this.